Our Blogs – Slepian Ellexson, PLLC


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SSDI and SSI benefits: What Is a Representative Payee?

by Eric Slepian

The Social Security Administration (SSA) administers the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) cash benefit programs based on recipients’ disabling medical conditions that prevent them from working. The money benefits from these programs are often crucially important to meeting the eligible recipients’ needs. When an SSDI or SSI recipient would be […]

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Your Go-To Disability Lawyer in Glendale

by Eric Slepian

If you or a loved one is currently facing a disability, it’s easy to feel panicked, sad and overwhelmed about the long road ahead. The inability to hold a full-time, sustainable job when you are suffering from a mental or physical disability. Obtaining the disability benefits that you need to continue living at a comfortable […]

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Veterans Can Become Eligible for Multiple Support Programs

by Eric Slepian

Men and women who risked their lives to protect our country demonstrate a high level of bravery and courage. Sadly, many who come back have severe disabling conditions and have a hard time keeping employment due to their physical and psychological impairments. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, 11% to 20% of soldiers […]

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Advocates for Disabled Critical of Proposed SSDI and SSI Rule Change

by Eric Slepian

The Social Security Administration (SSA) follows its own regulations that require periodic review of approved SSDI and SSI claims to determine whether benefit recipients are no longer disabled because of medical improvement (MI) – and therefore no longer eligible to receive benefits. The SSA published a notice in November 2019 proposing a regulatory change that […]

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Social Security Disability Insurance in Arizona

by Eric Slepian

The Social Security Administration, or SSA, administers the Social Security Disability Insurance benefit program. Known as SSDI, this program provides monthly cash payments to eligible disabled recipients who cannot work. Federal disability definition SSDI uses a definition of “disability” as set out in federal law. To meet this definition, an eligible claimant must have a […]

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Three kinds of doctors and their roles in SSDI and SSI claims

by Eric Slepian

In claims for Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income, called SSDI and SSI, benefit eligibility requires that applicants have severe physical or mental medical impairments that prevent them from meaningful work. It is crucially important to have the professional opinions of physicians as evidence of disability. In SSDI and SSI cases, this kind […]

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Can an ALJ disbelieve your testimony about your symptoms?

by Eric Slepian

The answer is yes, but only if the administrative law judge applies the right legal standards, which are stringent. It is not uncommon for an ALJ to miss the mark and wrongly discredit a claimant’s report of their symptoms. Many applicants for Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income, commonly referred to as SSDI […]

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Disabling effects of stroke can qualify the victim for SSDI

by Eric Slepian

During a stroke, the symptoms can be confusing and severe, followed by grave concern for the long-term effects and how they will impact the person’s ability to live – and work. When aftereffects prevent work, the person should look seriously at whether they qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income. These are […]

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Federal court review of denied SSDI and SSI claims

by Eric Slepian

At Slepian Smith Ellexson, PLLC, our lawyers represent people across Arizona applying for Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income, known as SSDI and SSI respectively, at all levels of application and appeal. A claimant has four levels of consideration of their application for benefits before the Social Security Administration, or SSA. After a […]

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Brain injuries are complex and varied, but can be disabling

by Eric Slepian

At Slepian Smith Ellexson, PLLC, our lawyers represent Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income claimants in their applications for benefits based on a variety of disabling conditions. Brain injuries vary in severity and type, causing a range of symptoms and limitations, but can certainly become the legitimate basis of a disability claim for SSDI or […]

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Slepian Ellexson, PLLC

3737 North 7th St., Suite 106
Phoenix, AZ 85014
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