Workers’ Comp & Long-Term Disability Attorney | Slepian Ellexson

Long-Term Disability Attorney & Workers’ Comp Lawyer

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The Impact of Social Security on Your Other Disability Benefits in Arizona.

Do you live in Arizona and have a medical condition that prevents you from being able to work full-time? If so, you may be eligible for several government and private benefits. These benefits include Social Security disability benefits, workers’ compensation, and long-term disability (LTD) benefits.

Understanding how these three benefits interact is essential for getting the most out of your coverage. To ensure that you receive all the benefits you are entitled to, it is a good idea to consult with an experienced long term disability attorney in Arizona who can help you navigate the complexities of these programs.

At Slepian Ellexson, PLLC, our core mission is to assist clients in filing for Social Security Disability benefits. We can also provide support and guidance on the implications that eligibility for these benefits has when it comes to other programs, such as workers’ compensation or long-term disability (LTD) benefits in Arizona. In addition, our long term disability attorneys will help ensure that you receive all the benefits to which you are entitled.

Assisting You in Understanding the Various Types of Benefits Available

At Slepian Ellexson, PLLC, our team of long term disability attorneys in Arizona is here to assist you with your Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income claim. We can also evaluate your case and determine if you qualify for workers’ compensation or long-term disability (LTD) coverage.

Long Term Disability

If you or your employer have acquired a long-term disability insurance policy, you may be qualified for benefits under that plan. Our experienced long term disability attorneys in Arizona can review the details of your policy and inform you whether or not it applies to your situation.

Workers’ Compensation

If you have sustained an injury at work and can now not perform your duties, you may be eligible for disability benefits through workers’ compensation. At Slepian Ellexson, PLLC, we will work hard to ensure that we file your workers’ compensation claim correctly so that you receive all the benefits you deserve.

The links between these different types of benefits can be complicated, as they all have a distinct interpretation of what constitutes a disability. Our long term disability lawyers in Arizona will help you understand each program and ensure you get all the benefits.

Contact Our Long Term Disability Lawyer in Arizona

If you’re wondering what disability benefits could be available, reach out to the experienced long term disability lawyers at Slepian Ellexson, PLLC. We offer free consultations and can be contacted by calling 602-266-3111, 888-SLEPIAN, or emailing us. Based in Midtown Phoenix, we help clients all across Arizona.

The firm has been in business for over 40 years

Contact Our
Arizona Disability
Law Attorneys at

Slepian Ellexson, PLLC

3737 North 7th St., Suite 106
Phoenix, AZ 85014
Phoenix Law Office Map


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