Our Blogs – Slepian Ellexson, PLLC


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Senator keeps trying to get SSI asset cap raised in Congress

by Eric Slepian

At our law firm, we help disabled Arizonans obtain all benefits for which they may be eligible through the Social Security Administration. Many people are familiar with Social Security Disability Insurance, known as SSDI, a public disability insurance program that people pay into through their Social Security payroll deductions. Eligibility is based on work history. […]

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Disability based on the devastating impact of epilepsy

by Eric Slepian

At our law firm, we represent Arizonans whose epilepsy prevents them from working with their claims for Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income, known as SSDI and SSI respectively. According to the Epilepsy Foundation of Arizona, 77,000 people in our state live with epilepsy, which can manifest in a wide variety of symptoms. […]

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Tucson event highlights the severity of Huntington’s disease

by Eric Slepian

From our Phoenix law office, we represent disabled people across Arizona in their efforts to get Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income, known as SSDI and SSI respectively. We regularly handle claims based on a variety of devastating medical conditions. Huntington’s disease, sometimes called HD, is one such impairment that will likely qualify most […]

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SSDI based on disabling diabetes

by Eric Slepian

At our law firm, we help people with a variety of disabling conditions in their claims for Social Security Disability Insurance, known as SSDI. In honor of our clients with diabetes and in recognition of November as National Diabetes Month, today we talk about SSDI claims based on disability stemming from diabetes. Diabetes mellitus, referred to […]

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Proposed bill would eliminate waiting periods for SSDI, Medicare

by Eric Slepian

Currently, when the Social Security Administration approves a claimant’s application for Social Security Disability Insurance, called SSDI, the monthly benefit payments begin in the sixth month after disability started. In addition, an approved claimant becomes eligible for Medicare coverage after getting SSDI for 24 months. Claimants with Lou Gehrig’s disease, kidney failure or a kidney […]

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Can you work while receiving SSDI benefits?

by Eric Slepian

Let’s assume for a moment that you have with the help of a qualified Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) attorney successfully navigated the system and had your claim approved. Some people who are receiving the benefits find that they want to work on a limited basis, but wonder if they can do that without losing […]

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Compassionate Allowances accelerate the SSDI approval process

by Eric Slepian

According to the Social Security Administration (SSA), the average wait time for a hearing after filing a Social Security Disability Insurance claim is more than 20 months. For some people with the most serious medical conditions and disabilities, the nearly two years of waiting is simply not possible. They need immediate SSDI help. The Social […]

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SCOTUS scolds SSA for dismissing late applications

by Eric Slepian

In May of 2019, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), the highest court in the country, questioned the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) right to deny disability benefits for an applicant when the timeliness of the claim was the only reason for dismissal. The merits of the case were not in question. What happened? […]

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Carpal tunnel syndrome and Social Security Disability benefits

by Eric Slepian

Within the wrist there is a complex network of nerves and tendons. These nerves and tendons pass through a small space, referred to as the carpal tunnel. In some cases, overuse or other factors can result in pressure within this small space, potentially compressing the nerves that control the hand. When this happens, medical professionals […]

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Bill introduced that would raise asset limits for SSI recipients

by Eric Slepian

Supplemental Security Income, known as SSI, is a federal Social Security program that provides monthly payments to eligible American citizens, legal permanent residents and certain other qualified aliens who are disabled, blind or elderly and who meet eligibility requirements of low income and limited assets. In other words, eligible SSI claimants are people who cannot work because […]

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The firm has been in business for over 40 years

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Arizona Disability
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Slepian Ellexson, PLLC

3737 North 7th St., Suite 106
Phoenix, AZ 85014
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