Our Blogs – Slepian Ellexson, PLLC


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What is obsessive compulsive disorder and how can it be disabling?

by Eric Slepian

At our law firm, we advocate for clients with a wide range of physical or mental impairments that alone or in combination result in disabling conditions that prevent them from working. When the disability is expected to last at least one year or result in death, the person is like eligible for Social Security Disability […]

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Careful preparation of SSDI application boosts approval chances

by Eric Slepian

It is well-known that many applications for Social Security Disability Insurance (or for Supplemental Security Income, or SSI) are denied, often because the Social Security Administration decides that a claimant’s medical condition does not meet the federal definition of disability. While it is true that applications are often denied initially and several levels of further […]

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Crohn’s disease: What is it and how can it be disabling?

by Eric Slepian

If you have ever known anyone with Crohn’s disease, you may have seen them withdraw from social activities and deal with severe pain. Crohn’s disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease that manifests in various areas of the digestive tract, often causing severe diarrhea, malnutrition, abdominal pain, fever, mouth sores, fatigue and weight loss, according to […]

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Studies look at link between depression and chronic health issues

by Eric Slepian

According to the federal government’s Census Bureau, the percentage of Arizona’s population with Asian heritage is on the rise, accounting for nearly four percent of our state’s residents. We also have a higher than average percentage of older folks in the Grand Canyon State, accounting for 17.5 percent of our population (the national average is […]

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Alzheimer’s disease can be disabling and a basis for SSDI eligibility

by Eric Slepian

September is World Alzheimer’s Month, meant to lessen stigma and increase public education about the challenging diagnosis. Alzheimer’s Disease International, referred to as ADI, created the month dedicated to this noble cause in 2012. Alzheimer’s and other kinds of dementia can become disabling and prevent sufferers from working. Those patients may qualify for Social Security Disability […]

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Rejection Rates & Arizona Disability Determination Services

by Eric Slepian

Recent findings suggest a potential lapse in the review system for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) applications. Investigations, particularly from sources like the Nashville Tennessean, have pointed out that some physicians responsible for the review might be rushing through the process, compromising the accuracy of their evaluations. High SSDI Rejection […]

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Four disorders added to the SSA’s Compassionate Allowances list

by Eric Slepian

It is no secret that it can take months and even years for approval of Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income claims. Both of these government benefit programs require that the applicant meet the federal definition of disability and it is this question that often takes so long to answer. It tends to be more […]

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SSDI and SSI: What to expect at your ALJ hearing

by Eric Slepian

If the Social Security Administration, or SSA, denies your initial application for Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income, there are several levels of review and appeal you can request. The third level is an administrative hearing before an administrative law judge, often called an ALJ. While the thought of a legal proceeding may make you […]

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Bill would end SSDI waiting period for terminally ill

by Eric Slepian

Normally, when the Social Security Administration approves a disabled claimant’s application for Social Security Disability Insurance, called SSDI, the claimant must wait five months for monthly benefits to begin. This can be a hardship for a person without income because of disabling impairment as the bills have likely already started to pile up. The waiting period seems […]

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SSDI and SSI: What are the listings?

by Eric Slepian

Federal law specifically defines “disability” for purposes of eligibility for Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income, referred to as SSDI and SSI, respectively. As we have blogged about before, the Social Security Administration (SSA), uses a five-step process to determine whether a claimant meets the definition. Listing of impairments At the third step, SSA […]

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Slepian Ellexson, PLLC

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Phoenix, AZ 85014
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