Veterans Can Become Eligible for Multiple Support Programs


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Veterans Can Become Eligible for Multiple Support Programs

by Eric Slepian

Men and women who risked their lives to protect our country demonstrate a high level of bravery and courage.

Sadly, many who come back have severe disabling conditions and have a hard time keeping employment due to their physical and psychological impairments. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, 11% to 20% of soldiers who fought in Iraq have post-traumatic stress disorder.

Fortunately, there are options available for veterans who are unable to work due to the seriousness of their circumstances. Many may not know that ex-service members can be eligible for both Social Security Disability Insurance and Veterans Affairs benefits.

Why veterans can qualify for VA benefits and SSDI

Even though both are government programs, the requirements for each are different. For the VA, those benefits are usually offered on a percentage-based system and are exclusively provided to veterans. SSDI, on the other hand, is available to all Americans. To qualify, applicants must meet specific requirements based on the Social Security Administration’s blue book of physical and mental disabilities.

What ex-service members need to show to get SSDI

These factors can determine one’s eligibility for payments:

  • Veterans must demonstrate the severity of their condition and how it disables them from finding and keeping a job.
  • The veteran’s physical or mental ailments have been prevalent for at least one year or will eventually cause them to die.

Veterans deserve support for their sacrifices

The adversities soldiers experience when coming home from serving can impose substantial hardship on them and their families. That’s why it’s crucial to get them the support they need. Veterans looking to get on SSDI or obtain VA benefits may want to talk to a disability attorney. They can evaluate their circumstances and fight for the support they deserve.

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