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What you should know about countable resources and SSI

by Eric Slepian

Supplemental Security Income is crucial financial aid for individuals who are, disabled or blind and have extremely limited financial resources. In order to determine if you or your family member qualifies for SSI benefits, the Social Security Administration will need to examine the value of your resources. In this post, we will examine what this involves. […]

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Disabled and unable to work? Don’t wait to apply for benefits

by Eric Slepian

If you are dealing with a serious medical condition, you likely have a lot to worry about on a daily basis. Can you pay for your medication? How will you get to the grocery store? When is the next doctor’s appointment? With so much to worry about, you may be tempted to put off difficult […]

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What applicants can expect from disability benefits

by Eric Slepian

Suffering a disabling injury or illness can turn your world upside down. You may be dealing with considerable pain, frustrating limitations and the need for ongoing assistance. It can also strain relationships and cause financial anxiety. In this environment, the questions and challenges can prove to be overwhelming. As such, having some idea of what […]

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New treatment could make migraines less disabling

by Eric Slepian

People who experience frequent, debilitating migraine headaches can struggle to perform even the most basic daily tasks as a result of nausea, pain and sensitivity to light and sound. Under these circumstances, holding down a job can be all but impossible. However, recent research has led to some promising results that could help migraine sufferers […]

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Fibromyalgia: Understanding the basics

by Eric Slepian

Fibromyalgia is a condition that affects the entire body. It’s a complicated disorder that can be hard to diagnose. While the cause of fibromyalgia is unknown, symptoms may begin after a physical trauma, surgery, infection or following psychological stress. It’s also a disorder that can make it difficult or impossible to work. Given the severity […]

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Challenges to expect when the SSA evaluates your ability to work

by Eric Slepian

One of the most difficult elements of applying for Social Security disability benefits is being able to prove not just that you cannot perform your job, but that you cannot perform any type of job on a full time basis. This can be very frustrating because the decision on whether you have the ability to work is […]

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Can I receive disability benefits for stress?

by Eric Slepian

Millions of Americans struggle with stress to some degree. For some, it is a passing, if frustrating, condition that is well managed. For others, stress is a pervasive and debilitating condition. Many people fall somewhere in the middle. This means there is no easy answer to the question posed above. However, if you suffer from […]

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Can I collect SSI?

by Eric Slepian

People who are disabled and cannot work are often eligible to receive some type of financial support. However, there are different types of support available, which people fail to recognize. For instance, if you or a loved one is disabled and cannot work, you might think that collecting benefits through Social Security Disability insurance is […]

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Can I avoid or minimize long wait times for SSDI benefits?

by Eric Slepian

Hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S. are currently waiting to learn if the Social Security Administration will approve or deny their applications for disability benefits. This is a massive backlog that can be incredibly frustrating for the disabled applicants who deserve and need financial support. As frustrating as these long wait times can […]

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Getting disability benefits for back pain

by Eric Slepian

If you have severe back pain and are struggling to work, you may be wondering what you are going to do. Going to work each day can cause you to feel debilitating pain. You cannot simply keep calling off sick or asking to go home early. You may be wondering if you qualify for Social […]

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