Social Security Disability Archives - Page 6 of 7 - Slepian Ellexson, PLLC


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What you should know if you are at risk of HCV

by Eric Slepian

Hepatitis C is a potentially serious disease that leads to nearly 20,000 deaths every year. It can cause permanent damage to a person’s liver, and unfortunately, many people do not even know they have it. With this in mind, it is important to understand the risk factors of becoming infected with HCV. Who is at […]

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PTSD: Recognizing the signs, and when it can become disabling

by Eric Slepian

After a traumatic event, it is not unusual to experience troubling physical and mental changes. For millions of people, these changes include development of a disorder called post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. PTSD can be a complicated condition, and people might mistake it for something less serious. However, PTSD can be a severe, disabling condition […]

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Distinguishing migraines from headaches

by Eric Slepian

Migraine sufferers often must explain that their condition is not the same as other headaches. For instance, they might have to clarify to friends that being sick with a migraine is not the same as having a headache after a late night. They also have to discuss with their doctors the symptoms of a migraine […]

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3 times you should not minimize your back pain

by Eric Slepian

Millions of people struggle with some amount of back pain. They might have been in a car crash or spend most of their day sitting at a computer; they might perform manual labor or suffer from other medical conditions that contribute to serious, disabling back pain. Whatever the reason for the pain may be, you […]

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Heart disease and women

by Eric Slepian

Heart problems plague hundreds of thousands of Americans. Unfortunately, many people assumed that heart problems were limited to men in poor health or people genetically predisposed to such conditions. However, we continue to learn more about risk factors that affect unexpected populations at an unexpected rate. For instance, readers may be surprised to learn that […]

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Disabled and unable to work? Don’t wait to apply for benefits

by Eric Slepian

If you are dealing with a serious medical condition, you likely have a lot to worry about on a daily basis. Can you pay for your medication? How will you get to the grocery store? When is the next doctor’s appointment? With so much to worry about, you may be tempted to put off difficult […]

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New treatment could make migraines less disabling

by Eric Slepian

People who experience frequent, debilitating migraine headaches can struggle to perform even the most basic daily tasks as a result of nausea, pain and sensitivity to light and sound. Under these circumstances, holding down a job can be all but impossible. However, recent research has led to some promising results that could help migraine sufferers […]

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Can I receive disability benefits for stress?

by Eric Slepian

Millions of Americans struggle with stress to some degree. For some, it is a passing, if frustrating, condition that is well managed. For others, stress is a pervasive and debilitating condition. Many people fall somewhere in the middle. This means there is no easy answer to the question posed above. However, if you suffer from […]

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What can I expect from the SSDI application process?

by Eric Slepian

Question: About ten years ago, I was in a serious accident. I was hurt pretty bad–in fact they weren’t sure I would make it. As a result of that accident, I’ve been struggling with anxiety and depression and although I have taken two separate leaves of absence from work, the time away is not helping. […]

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Preparation Helpful for Social Security Disability Hearings

by Eric Slepian

If an Arizona resident of average working age is incapable of engaging in gainful employment tasks due to a physical or mental impairment, he or she may be eligible for certain benefits. The process involved in filing for Social Security disability benefits is often complex, and not every request is granted. If a particular claim […]

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Slepian Ellexson, PLLC

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Phoenix, AZ 85014
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