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SSDI Benefits After a Car Accident

by Eric Slepian

The aftermath of a car accident can be extremely scary as your life changes and you feel like you’re stepping into so much uncertainty. If you sustained a debilitating or life-changing injury, you may be left wondering how you’ll work and fulfill responsibilities as you did before. With social security benefits, you won’t have to […]

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How to Speed up the Process of Getting SSDI Benefits

by Eric Slepian

Applying to receive SSDI benefits can be a lengthy process. Those who depend on these benefits to support themselves or a family member want to do everything they can to receive the benefits sooner rather than later. While you don’t have control over the SSA, there certainly are steps you can take to speed up […]

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Part II: Should I Hire a Lawyer to File My Social Security Disability Claim?

by Eric Slepian

Help With Your Initial SSI or SSDI Application When you work with a knowledgeable Social Security disability lawyer in Phoenix, AZ from the very beginning, you are more likely to have your claim approved at the outset. Disability attorneys understand what a claims examiner looks for, and they (or one of their paralegals or assistants) […]

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Part I: Should I Hire a Lawyer to File My Social Security Disability Claim?

by Eric Slepian

What Will it Cost to Hire an Attorney to File for SSDI in Phoenix, AZ? Often, individuals who become disabled are in difficult financial situations largely due to their disability. That is why the first question many people ask when they are considering hiring an attorney to help file for SSDI in Phoenix, AZ is, […]

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Video: AZTV Interview with Eric Slepian and Brian Ellexson

by Eric Slepian

Eric Slepian and Brian Ellexson are showcased on AZTV speaking on Social Security Disability during the pandemic. If you need helping with your Social Security Disability claim contact us today.

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How Often Will I Receive Social Security Payments?

by Eric Slepian

Once you have been approved to receive Social Security benefits, you’ll likely wonder exactly how often you’ll be receiving payments. There are different types of benefits that you may receive and the average benefit amount changes based on the amount that is covered in the original application. The Social Security Administration keeps a record of […]

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Social Security Administration Considering SSDI Rule Changes of Concern

by Eric Slepian

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that it has seen a draft proposal of changes to the regulations that determine eligibility for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) based on disability. Specifically, the proposed changes would target vocational factors now used in combination with limitations from medical impairments to determine disability […]

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Better Understanding Disability Phone Scams

by Eric Slepian

Those who are in the process of applying for Social Security disability benefits need to be aware of potential scammers. While you may think that you understand the types of scams that come to fruition, there’s no such thing as being overly prepared. Recent scammers have been preying on the emotion of fear to ultimately […]

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Sorting Through the Intricacies of Fibromyalgia to Prove Disability, Part 3

by Eric Slepian

Chronic, intense joint and muscle pain. Overwhelming fatigue. Painful and disruptive digestive problems. Difficulty concentrating and processing instructions. These and many more are symptoms of fibromyalgia, a sometimes misunderstood and potentially devastating disease. In parts 1 and 2 of this post, we talked about fibromyalgia (FM) and why it can be challenging to win a […]

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Do I Need to Tell My Doctor If I’m Filing for Disability?

by Eric Slepian

If you’re in the process of applying for SSI in Flagstaff, AZ, the question of whether or not to tell your doctor that you’re applying may come to mind. The simple takeaway is yes, you should always tell your doctor that you’re applying for disability benefits. This is due to the fact that medical evidence […]

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The firm has been in business for over 40 years

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Arizona Disability
Law Attorneys at

Slepian Ellexson, PLLC

3737 North 7th St., Suite 106
Phoenix, AZ 85014
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