Lady Gaga Becomes Unlikely Spokesperson For Fibromyalgia, Part 1


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Lady Gaga becomes unlikely spokesperson for fibromyalgia, part 1

by Eric Slepian

Fibromyalgia syndrome is a chronic disorder that affects an estimated 10 million people throughout the world. It involves widespread pain and tenderness throughout the body in addition to other symptoms, including fatigue.

Fibromyalgia is known as one of the most common chronic pain conditions, affecting 3 to 6 percent of the world population. Interestingly, fibromyalgia predominantly affects women, with between 75 and 90 percent of those affected being female. However, men and children suffer from the condition as well.

These days, it is widely accepted in the medical community that fibromyalgia is a real condition that causes serious and disabling symptoms. However, sufferers still sometimes deal with people who carry on the old misconception that the condition is not real and is “all in the head.”

This harmful misconception is likely because up until the past few years, little was known about the condition.

Star shines light on fibromyalgia syndrome

Recently, the condition and its effects received greater attention after pop star-turned-movie star Lady Gaga discussed her own struggles with fibromyalgia.

In her Netflix documentary “Gaga: Five Foot Two,” the singer is candid about how fibromyalgia causes her to have “full-body spasms” and she is often shown covered in ice packs attempting to ease the pain. She is also shown at her doctor’s office receiving trigger-point injections and discussing next steps in her treatment with her physician.

Lady Gaga has the luxury of having excellent doctors and therapists treating her, but she knows not everyone is as lucky.

When discussing the condition and the treatment she undergoes, Lady Gaga says she thinks about “other people who have maybe something like this, that are struggling to figure out what it is, and they don’t have the money to have somebody to help them.”

She then says that she doesn’t know what she would (expletive) do if she did not have the help she does.

If you are sufferring from Fibromyalgia, Social Security Disability benefits may be available to help supplement income and provide sufferers with the financial support they need. A Social Security Disability attorney can assist you in making this decision.

Source: MedPage Today, “Lady Gaga: Music Icon, Budding Actress … and Fibromyalgia Patient,” Oct. 25, 2018

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