Helping You Apply For Supplemental Security Income Benefits
If you are unable to work due to a physical or mental disability and do not qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) but can demonstrate little financial resources, you may be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, also known as Title 16 disability benefits.
At Slepian Ellexson, PLLC, we understand that the requirements for Federal disability benefits can be confusing, and we are committed to guiding clients through the system. Our Phoenix SSI attorneys can help you understand your options and apply for the benefits you need.
Demonstrating Your Financial Need So You Can Get Disability Payments
While SSDI benefits are only available to people who have paid into the Social Security system and some of their family members, SSI benefits are available to all U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents who are legally disabled and can prove that they meet financial eligibility requirements.
Our attorneys can advise you on whether you are eligible for SSI, help you apply for benefits, and represent you at any hearings or appeals that may be necessary.
We can also advise you on things you can do to increase your eligibility for SSI benefits. For instance, if you live in a household with someone who is not legally related to you, there may be steps you can take to make yourself eligible for SSI or increase your monthly payments.
Contact Our Arizona Supplemental Security Income Attorneys At 602-266-3111
To discuss whether you meet the means test for SSI benefits and what our disability lawyers can do to help you get the benefits you need, please contact us at Slepian Ellexson, PLLC, at 602-266-3111, at 888-SLEPIAN or or by email. Based in Phoenix, we represent clients throughout Arizona.